Monday, 9 May 2011

Keep the noise down during National Stop Snoring Week

National Stop Snoring Week runs from 9- 15 May. You may be a snorer, or even worse, you may be one of those unfortunate people who have to put up with the sound of someone else snoring every night. Nevertheless snoring is a noisy and big problem, especially in a relationship.

We all know how annoying snoring is, but there isn’t always a simple solution. So what’s the cause of snoring? Well, there are more reasons than you might realise. Eating too much, drinking a lot of alcohol and allergies can all block your airways, which can stop you from sleeping the whole night through.

This year the focus of the National Stop Snoring campaign will be on couples, who due to the severity of the snoring problem in their homes, have resorted to sleeping in separate bedrooms. Researchers are very curious to know exactly why partners do it, and most importantly who is and isn't happy with the arrangement. If this situation sounds like a familiar one, why not get in touch with us and let us know your thoughts in the matter?

So we may not be able to stop someone storing, but we can promise that when you do put your head down at night, although it may not be silent night, it will be incredibly comfortable one if it is spent sleeping on a Naturalmat mattresses.

One of the best solutions that Naturalmat has up our sleeves is our extremely cosy Naturalmat Lambswool Adult Organic Mattress. This mattress is our most popular composition as it provides medium support which seems to be the preference of most of our customers. The organic latex gives good support, with a fairly firm core of organic coir. This ever so cosy mattress is finished with a bundle of our locally sourced organic lambswool, and just like all of our organic mattresses this mattress is completely chemical free. Meaning that even if you have to move this bed into another room, in order to get some peace, you can be rest assured that will be having a completely natural nights sleep.

We hope you really will sleep like a log each and every night on our handmade Naturalmat organic mattresses, even if that means having to wear ear plugs.

The Naturalmat Adult Lambswool Adult Mattress is available to buy from £880.00. Get yours here.


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