Ever wondered why we use organic wool in our mattresses? Well its because of a number of reasons. Did you know that using wool in a mattress makes the mattress naturally flame retardant. Yes, it is true. Wool does not burn over a flame. Parents always prefer to have their baby lying on a 100% natural mattress as opposed to one that has been treated with numerous fire retardant chemicals. Naturalmat meet all fire protection specifications through the power of wool (and without a chemical additive in sight).
In addition to its naturally flame retardant properties, wool is an excellent insulator! It is able to keep you warm in the winter as well as cool during the summer! Even if wool gets wet its still able to insulate, keep you warm and dry quickly.
Wool is very breathable, as it is a natural fibre, so when you are too warm, the wool transfers heat away form the body, helping to regulate body temperature. This is very important for an infants who find it difficult to regulate their own body temperature. Wool can helps to keep babies cool down and warm them up when required. This results in a better nights sleep for the whole household.
Pretty impressive isn't it?
Our mattresses can be bought on line at www.naturalmat.co.uk or by phone on 020 7985 0474. If you're in London pop into our Notting Hill store where all Naturalmat mattresses are now on display.
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